NYC Nanny & R.N. Ashley Wylie Shared Advice for First-Time Moms
- Start a daily baby log. Record the baby's cries, sleep schedule, feeding and diaper details so you can start seeing patterns and remember the first few precious days!
- Pick the feeding practice that suits your family best. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to how to feed your newborn. Breast feeding, bottles and formula are all great options. If pumping seems to suit your lifestyle best, discuss this with your workplace. The milk will last 3-6 months in the freezer, but make sure to make note of the date and amount of ounces on the bottle before stowing it away!
- Take a deep breath and relax. The more you are around your baby, the more you will start to understand the different cries.
- Don't be afraid to ask for help. Find at least 15-30 minutes a day for just you! Allow yourself that time for self-reflection or any practice that allows you to decompress. Lean on your support system, and remember you are never in this alone!
- Keep the baby protected in the car. Tie a muslin blanket on the carseat, so no one can see in. The breathable fabric is great to keep them cool in the car.
- Invest in your sleepwear. Your sleep will become precious (and more sparing), so make sure the rest you do get is worthwhile. New moms are known to get night sweats, so find a few breezy nightgowns you love. More product recommendations from Ashley to come next!
- You'll depend on your dishwasher & drying rack. Buy baby-safe soaps like Seventh Generations. Never stow anything away until it is completely dry.
- Swaddle at four-six weeks. At this early age, swaddling reinforces the familiar sleeping positing of the womb. Keep the room anywhere from 69-72 degrees, and make sure the baby is sleeping on their back.
- Always have a thermometer handy. Remember, you take babies temperature rhetorically and fairly regularly in the first few weeks.
- Diapers are a personal preference. There are lots of opinions out there, but sometimes it just takes trial and error to figure out your favorites as a new mom.
Most importantly, moms know best! Trust your instincts, and enjoy this unique season for your family. - Ashley Wylie
Stay tuned for newborn shopping tips coming to In the Saddle soon! We hope you enjoyed Ashley's tips as much as we did! If you ever have any questions, Ashley is always open to answering them, you can always reach her at
All the love,
The MM Team